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zksbt : design V2

zksbt V1 问题

zksbt V1集成(POMP)下来发现新的需求

  • 同一个category/attribute的pomp要能够mint多次,通过verify time来区分.
  • pomp幅度(range)较多.
  • npo/pomp 上新较多,减少合约上新流程. (第一个mint时创建group)

semaphore 现有的merkle tree membership prove不太适用 :

  • NPO/POMP上新类别多,特别是POMP,多条链,各种资产,各种不同的Range,每个组合都是一个semaphore group,每次上新,需要发送大量交易
  • depth 32 group中add member需要>1M的gas cost(ETH 2000U, gas price 0.1G, 约为0.2U)


  1. merkle tree group保留on-chain privacy verify的可能性
    • depth 16, 降低mint gas
    • leave存储 hash(identity, sbt_id, verify_time)
  2. sbt id 唯一
  3. hash(attribute), 作为public input.
    • 上新只需要上category, 而range作为sbt的metadata信息. privacy verify时使用.
  4. circuit 中验证timestamp
    • privat verify_time >= given public begin_verify_time
    • privat verify_time <= given public end_verify_time,

flowchart LR
%%style at fill:#EE784E,stroke:#EE784E,stroke-width:1px
%%style ar fill:#EE784E,stroke:#EE784E,stroke-width:1px
%%style vt fill:#EE784E,stroke:#EE784E,stroke-width:1px
style sbt fill:#EE784E,stroke:#EE784E,stroke-width:1px

style vt fill:#EE784E,stroke:#EE784E,stroke-width:1px

style H6 fill:#85E8C2,stroke:#85E8C2,stroke-width:1px

style GT1 fill:#85E8C2,stroke:#85E8C2,stroke-width:1px

style GT2 fill:#85E8C2,stroke:#85E8C2,stroke-width:1px

style beginv fill:#15E8C2,stroke:#15E8C2,stroke-width:1px

style endv fill:#15E8C2,stroke:#15E8C2,stroke-width:1px

style attribute fill:#15E8C2,stroke:#15E8C2,stroke-width:1px

s(PRIV - Siblings) & pi(PRIV - Path Indices) --> M1((MT Verifier)) --> mr(PUB - MT Root of asset/range)
it(PRIV - Identity Trapdoor) & in(PRIV - Identity Nullifier) --> H2((Poseidon Hash)) --> |Secret| H3((Poseidon Hash)) --> |Identity Commitment| H6((Poseidon Hash)) --> |Per SBT Identity| mr

%%at(PUB asset_type) & ar(PUB - asset_range) &
%%vt(PUB - verify_time) &
sbt(PRIV - zkSBT_id) --> H6
vt(PRIV - verify_timestamp) --> H6
attribute(PUB - attribute) --> H6

in(PRIV - Identity Nullifier) & en(PUB - External Nullifier) --> H4((Poseidon Hash)) --> n(PUB - Nullifier)

vt --> GT1
beginv(PUB - beginVerifyTimestamp) --> GT1

endv(PUB - endVerifyTimestamp) --> GT2
vt --> GT2

%%sig(PUB - Signal Hash) --> S1((Square))